1.5 The Sentence Particle 呀 aa3 I (Question)

When asking a question, we can optionally add the sentence particle aa3 at the end of the question.

  1. 你叫咩名
    nei5 giu3 me1 meng2 aa3?
    What is your name?

  2. 佢係邊個
    keoi5 hai6 bin1 go3 aa3?
    Who is he / she?

Note that adding 呀 aa3 is not enough to turn a sentence into a question. To form a question, we need a question word or a question construction. 呀 aa3 only serves as a supplementary means to help signal a question. Look at the examples again. There is a question word in each question.

  1. 你叫名呀?
    nei5 giu3 me1 meng2 aa3?
    What is your name?
    This question has the question word 咩 me1 (‘what’).

  2. 佢係邊個呀?
    keoi5 hai6 bin1 go3 aa3?
    Who is he / she?
    This question has the question word 邊個 bin1 go3 (‘who’).