9. Revision Section B

Instructions for Questions 1 to 6

Follow the steps below to complete each question.

Step 1: Say the sound, syllable, word or sentence aloud yourself.
Step 2: Listen to the recording and compare your pronunciation to the recording.
Step 3: Follow the recording and say the sound, syllable, word or sentence again.

Question 1

Say the initials below. Click the initials to hear the sounds. Click + to go to the page of each initial.

UnaspiratedAspirated 💨
b +p +m +f +
d +t +n +l +
g +k +ng +h +
gw +kw +w +
z +c +s +j +

Question 2

Say the finals below. Click the finals to hear the sounds. Click + to go to the page of each final.

aa +a +e +i +o +u +eo +oe +yu +
-iaai +ai +ei +oi +ui +eoi +
-uaau +au +eu +iu +ou +
-maam +am +em +im +m +
-naan +an +in +on +un +eon +yun +
-ngaang +ang +eng +ing +ong +ung +oeng +ng +
-paap +ap +ep +ip +
-taat +at +et +it +ot +ut +eot +oet +yut +
-kaak +ak +ek +ik +ok +uk +oek +

Question 3

Say the syllable si with the tones below. Click the tones to hear the sounds. Click + to go to the page of each tone.

Tone NumberTone 1 +Tone 2 +Tone 3 +Tone 4 +Tone 5 +Tone 6 +
Tone NameHigh levelMid risingMid levelLow fallingLow risingLow level

Question 4

Say the syllables below.

  1. tip3
  2. lik6
  3. siu3
  4. ngaa5
  5. ng6
  6. kwaang1
  7. jit6
  8. lem2
  9. je5
  10. m4
  11. waak6
  12. mang4
  13. kau3
  14. tin1
  15. nok6
  16. fei1
  17. gep6
  18. fuk1
  19. ning4
  20. pun2
  21. ngong4
  22. zou2
  23. ci5
  24. bak1
  25. gwat1
  26. caap3
  27. him2
  28. gwaat3
  29. wui5
  30. paau4
  31. pet6

If you find this question challenging, practice with the additional recording below.

  1. t ‒ ip ‒ tip ‒ tip1 tip2 tip3 ‒ tip3
  2. l ‒ ik ‒ lik ‒ lik1 lik2 lik3 lik4 lik5 lik6 ‒ lik6
  3. s ‒ iu ‒ siu ‒ siu1 siu2 siu3 ‒ siu3
  4. ng ‒ aa ‒ ngaa ‒ ngaa1 ngaa2 ngaa3 ngaa4 ngaa5 ‒ ngaa5
  5. ng ‒ ng1 ng2 ng3 ng4 ng5 ng6 ‒ ng6
  6. kw ‒ aang ‒ kwaang ‒ kwaang1 ‒ kwaang1
  7. j ‒ it ‒ jit ‒ jit1 jit2 jit3 jit4 jit5 jit6 ‒ jit6
  8. l ‒ em ‒ lem ‒ lem1 lem2 ‒ lem2
  9. j ‒ e ‒ je ‒ je1 je2 je3 je4 je5 ‒ je5
  10. m ‒ m1 m2 m3 m4 ‒ m4
  11. w ‒ aak ‒ waak ‒ waak1 waak2 waak3 waak4 waak5 waak6 ‒ waak6
  12. m ‒ ang ‒ mang ‒ mang1 mang2 mang3 mang4 ‒ mang4
  13. k ‒ au ‒ kau ‒ kau1 kau2 kau3 ‒ kau3
  14. t ‒ in ‒ tin ‒ tin1 ‒ tin1
  15. n ‒ ok ‒ nok ‒ nok1 nok2 nok3 nok4 nok5 nok6 ‒ nok6
  16. f ‒ ei ‒ fei ‒ fei1 ‒ fei1
  17. g ‒ ep ‒ gep ‒ gep1 gep2 gep3 gep4 gep5 gep6 ‒ gep6
  18. f ‒ uk ‒ fuk ‒ fuk1 ‒ fuk1
  19. n ‒ ing ‒ ning ‒ ning1 ning2 ning3 ning4 ‒ ning4
  20. p ‒ un ‒ pun ‒ pun1 pun2 ‒ pun2
  21. ng ‒ ong ‒ ngong ‒ ngong1 ngnong2 ngong3 ngong4 ‒ ngong4
  22. z ‒ ou ‒ zou ‒ zou1 zou2 ‒ zou2
  23. c ‒ i ‒ ci ‒ ci1 ci2 ci3 ci4 ci5 ‒ ci5
  24. b ‒ ak ‒ bak ‒ bak1 ‒ bak1
  25. gw ‒ at ‒ gwat ‒ gwat1 ‒ gwat1
  26. c ‒ aap ‒ caap ‒ caap1 caap2 caap3 ‒ caap3
  27. h ‒ im ‒ him ‒ him1 him2 ‒ him2
  28. gw ‒ aat ‒ gwaat ‒ gwaat1 gwaat2 gwaat3 ‒ gwaat3
  29. w ‒ ui ‒ wui ‒ wui1 wui2 wui3 wui4 wui5 ‒ wui5
  30. p ‒ aau ‒ paau ‒ paau1 paau2 paau3 paau4 ‒ paau4
  31. p ‒ et ‒ pet ‒ pet1 pet2 pet3 pet4 pet5 pet6 ‒ pet6

Question 5

Say the words below.

  1.  電車 din6 ce1  tram
  2.  圖書館 tou4 syu1 gun2  library
  3.  超級市場 ciu1 kap1 si5 coeng4  supermarket
  4.  翠玉瓜 ceoi3 juk6 gwaa1  zucchini
  5.  秋葵 cau1 kwai4  okra
  6.  乳酪 jyu5 lok6  yogurt
  7.  蛋糕 daan6 gou1  cake
  8.  玫瑰 mui4 gwai3  rose

Question 6

Say the sentences below.

  1. 我十一月廿五號生日。
    ngo5 sap6 jat1 jyut6 jaa6 ng5 hou6 saang1 jat6.
    My birthday is 25th November.

  2. 我結咗婚喇。
    ngo5 git3 zo2 fan1 laa3.
    I am married.

  3. 我有一個仔同一個女。
    ngo5 jau5 jat1 go3 zai2 tung4 jat1 go3 neoi2.
    I have a son and a daughter.

Question 7

The word for not in Cantonese is 唔 m4. Listen to the following song. How many times 唔 m4 is sung in the first two verses (0:20 - 0:55)?

大懶堂 daai6 laan5 tong4


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