1. The Initial Pair gw and kw
The initials gw and kw are similar to the initials g and k combined with the initial w respectively.
The Initial gw
Step 1 Listen to the initial gw.
Step 2 Listen and repeat.

Soft palate: The back of the roof of your mouth
The Initial kw
Step 1 Listen to the initial kw.
Step 2 Listen and repeat.

Soft palate: The back of the roof of your mouth
Practice Practice saying the initials gw and kw with different finals. Listen and repeat.
gw ‒ aa ‒ gwaa1
kw ‒ aa ‒ kwaa1
gwaa1 kwaa1 -
gw ‒ ai ‒ gwai1
kw ‒ ai ‒ kwai1
gwai1 kwai1 -
gw ‒ an ‒ gwan2
kw ‒ an ‒ kwan2
gwan2 kwan2 -
gw ‒ ok ‒ gwok3
kw ‒ ok ‒ kwok3
gwok3 kwok3