8. Revision Section A

Question 1

Recall the initials you have learned in this lesson. Write them below.


Question 2

Recall the finals you have learned in this lesson. Write them below.


Question 3

Recall the six tones. Write the tone numbers and tone names and draw the tones.

Tone Number
Tone Name

Instructions for Questions 4 to 8

Follow the steps below to complete each question.

Step 1: Say the sound, syllable, word or sentence aloud yourself.
Step 2: Listen to the recording and compare your pronunciation to the recording.
Step 3: Follow the recording and say the sound, syllable, word or sentence again.

Question 4

Say the sounds below. Note that the initials have been re-arranged here to present different pairs of initials more clearly.



1. b
2. p
3. m
4. f
5. d
6. t
7. n
8. l
9. g
10. k
11. ng
12. h
13. gw
14. kw
15. w
16. z
17. c
18. s
19. j


1. aa
2. a
3. e
4. i
5. o
6. u
7. eo
8. oe
9. yu
10. aai
11. ai
12. ei
13. oi
14. ui
15. eoi
16. aau
17. au
18. eu
19. iu
20. ou
21. aam
22. am
23. em
24. im
25. m
26. aan
27. an
28. in
29. on
30. un
31. eon
32. yun
33. aang
34. ang
35. eng
36. ing
37. ong
38. ung
39. oeng
40. ng
41. aap
42. ap
43. ep
44. ip
45. aat
46. at
47. et
48. it
49. ot
50. ut
51. eot
52. oet
53. yut
54. aak
55. ak
56. ek
57. ik
58. ok
59. uk
60. oek

Question 5

Say the syllable si with the tones below.

Tone Number
Tone 1
Tone 2
Tone 3
Tone 4
Tone 5
Tone 6
Tone Name
High level
Mid rising
Mid level
Low falling
Low rising
Low level

Question 6

Say the syllables below.

  1. jap6
  2. got3
  3. waan5
  4. haam2
  5. puk1
  6. zek6
  7. goet4
  8. ng5
  9. but6
  10. gwo2
  11. naai5
  12. loi4
  13. doek3
  14. soeng1
  15. cyu4
  16. doe2
  17. kwai5
  18. meng2
  19. deu6
  20. kyut3
  21. mung6
  22. wu4
  23. fan5
  24. ngon6
  25. zam3
  26. jyun2
  27. heoi1
  28. teon5
  29. kwik1
  30. seot6
  31. la3

If you find this question challenging, practice with the additional recording. In the additional recording, you will hear:

InitialFinalSyllableSyllable in TonesAnswer
japjapjap1 jap2 jap3 jap4 jap5 jap6jap6
gotgotgot1 got2 got3got3
  1. j ‒ ap ‒ jap ‒ jap1 jap2 jap3 jap4 jap5 jap6 ‒ jap6
  2. g ‒ ot ‒ got ‒ got1 got2 got3 ‒ got3
  3. w ‒ aan ‒ waan ‒ waan1 waan2 waan3 waan4 waan5 ‒ waan5
  4. h ‒ aam ‒ haam ‒ haam1 haam2 ‒ haam2
  5. p ‒ uk ‒ puk ‒ puk1 ‒ puk1
  6. z ‒ ek ‒ zek ‒ zek1 zek2 zek3 zek4 zek5 zek6 ‒ zek6
  7. g ‒ oet ‒ goet ‒ goet1 goet2 goet3 goet4 ‒ goet4
  8. ng ‒ ng1 ng2 ng3 ng4 ng5 ‒ ng5
  9. b ‒ ut ‒ but ‒ but1 but2 but3 but4 but5 but6 ‒ but6
  10. gw ‒ o ‒ gwo ‒ gwo1 gwo2 ‒ gwo2
  11. n ‒ aai ‒ naai ‒ naai1 naai2 naai3 naai4 naai5 ‒ naai5
  12. l ‒ oi ‒ loi ‒ loi1 loi2 loi3 loi4 ‒ loi4
  13. d ‒ oek ‒ doek ‒ doek1 doek2 doek3 ‒ doek3
  14. s ‒ oeng ‒ soeng ‒ soeng1 ‒ soeng1
  15. c ‒ yu ‒ cyu ‒ cyu1 cyu2 cyu3 cyu4 ‒ cyu4
  16. d ‒ oe ‒ doe ‒ doe1 doe2 ‒ doe2
  17. kw ‒ ai ‒ kwai ‒ kwai1 kwai2 kwai3 kwai4 kwai5 ‒ kwai5
  18. m ‒ eng ‒ meng ‒ meng1 meng2 ‒ meng2
  19. d ‒ eu ‒ deu ‒ deu1 deu2 deu3 deu4 deu5 deu6 ‒ deu6
  20. k ‒ yut ‒ kyut ‒ kyut1 kyut2 kyut3 ‒ kyut3
  21. m ‒ ung ‒ mung ‒ mung1 mung2 mung3 mung4 mung5 mung6 ‒ mung6
  22. w ‒ u ‒ wu ‒ wu1 wu2 wu3 wu4 ‒ wu4
  23. f ‒ an ‒ fan ‒ fan1 fan2 fan3 fan4 fan5 ‒ fan5
  24. ng ‒ on ‒ ngon ‒ ngon1 ngon2 ngon3 ngon4 ngon5 ngon6 ‒ ngon6
  25. z ‒ am ‒ zam ‒ zam1 zam2 zam3 ‒ zam3
  26. j ‒ yun ‒ jyun ‒ jyun1 jyun2 ‒ jyun2
  27. h ‒ eoi ‒ heoi ‒ heoi1 ‒ heoi1
  28. t ‒ eon ‒ teon ‒ teon1 teon2 teon3 teon4 teon5 ‒ teon5
  29. kw ‒ ik ‒ kwik ‒ kwik1 ‒ kwik1
  30. s ‒ eot ‒ seot ‒ seot1 seot2 seot3 seot4 seot5 seot6 ‒ seot6
  31. l ‒ a ‒ la ‒ la1 la2 la3 ‒ la3

Question 7

Say the words below.

  1. 單車 daan1 ce1  bicycle
  2. 銀行 ngan4 hong4  bank
  3. 博物館 bok3 mat6 gun2  museum
  4. 牛油果 ngau4 jau4 gwo2  avocado
  5. 生菜 saang1 coi3  lettuce
  6. 蜜瓜 mat6 gwaa1  melon
  7. 麵包 min6 baau1  bread
  8. 熱狗 jit6 gau2  hot dog

Question 8

Say the sentences below.

  1. 我係法國人嚟嘅。
    ngo5 hai6 faat3 gwok3 jan4 lai4 ge3.
    I am French.

  2. 我識講英文同德文。
    ngo5 sik1 gong2 jing1 man2 tung4 dak1 man2.
    I speak English and German.

  3. 我宜家學緊廣東話。
    ngo5 ji4 gaa1 hok6 gan2 gwong2 dung1 waa2.
    I am learning Cantonese now.

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