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ni1 go3 jan4 hai6 bin1 go3 lai4 gaa3?
ni1 go3 jan4 hai6 bin1 go3 lai4 gaa3?
Listen and Speak
Step 1
When we introduce a person, we can say the relationship we have with that person. Listen and repeat the words for different types of relationships.
Step 2
Listen to two conversations. The speakers will introduce a person by saying their relationship with that person. Complete each blank in the scripts with a one-syllable word.
Conversation 1
ni1 go3 jan4 hai6 bin1 go3 lai4 gaa3?
keoi5 hai6 ____ tung4 si6 lai4 ge3.
Conversation 2
____ hai6…?
keoi5 ____ ngo5 tung4 hok6 lai4 ge3.
Step 3
Listen to the conversations again. Read the scripts while listening. Write each person’s identity in the boxes.
Conversation 1
ni1 go3 jan4 hai6 bin1 go3 lai4 gaa3?
Who is this person?
keoi5 hai6 ngo5 tung4 si6 lai4 ge3.
He / She is my colleague.
Conversation 2
keoi hai6…?
He / She is…?
keoi5 hai6 ngo5 tung4 hok6 lai4 ge3.
He / She is my classmate.
Step 4
Listen and repeat the conversations.
Step 5
Replace the highlighted words in the scripts with other words in Step 1 to make your conversations.
Grammar and Vocabulary
We will cover quite a lot of grammar points in this lesson. Add oil! 🙂
In the Grammar and Vocabulary section, you will learn:
Introduction to Classifiers
Indicating Quantity
二 ji6 (‘two’) and 兩 loeng5 (‘two’)
Possessive Constructions I
Demonstrative Constructions I
The Sentence Particle 嚟 lai4 (Assertion)
The Sentence Particle 嘅 ge3 (Assertion)
Comparison between 嚟 lai4 and 嘅 ge3
The Question Word 邊個 bin1 go3 (‘who’) I
Vocabulary List
Vocabulary for People I
2.1 Introduction to Classifiers
🔍 Observe!
Observe the noun phrases below. The highlighted words are a type of words called classifiers.
Where does the classifier appear in each noun phrase?
________Classifiers ( 量詞 loeng6 ci4), or measure words in some books, are a type of words we need to add before a noun in several situations. In this lesson, we will learn the following situations.
Types of Classifiers
We can divide classifiers into two board types: sortal classifiers and measure classifiers.
Sortal Classifiers
Sortal classifiers are assigned to a noun based on the features of the thing which the noun refers to. Some common features are the type, shape or size of the thing.
Sometimes more than one classifier can be assigned to a specific noun. In that case, the classifiers usually have different uses. For example, we can use both 個 go3 and 位 wai2 with nouns referring to people, but their uses are different.
💡 Tips
As a beginner, if you are not sure about the classifier of a noun, you can use the classifier 個 go3. It will usually sound alright.
Measure Classifiers
Measure classifiers give information about the quantity of the thing which the noun refers to. The most common measure classifier is 啲 di1.
Notice when we put 一 jat1 and 啲 di1 together, the meaning becomes ‘some’. We will learn more about this in later lessons.
Some measure classifiers are used with nouns which refer to something with specific features. For example, the measure classifier 班 baan1 is used with people.
Grammar Practice 1
Some sortal classifiers are listed below. Observe the examples and guess the feature of each classifier.
2.2 Indicating Quantity
When we indicate the quantity of something, we need to put a classifier between the number and the noun.
To mean ‘several’, we can use the word 幾 gei2. 幾 gei2 usually refers to a quantity between 3 and 9 inclusive.
2.3 二 ji6 (‘two’) and 兩 loeng5 (‘two’)
In Unit 0, we learned that 二 ji6 means ‘two’. 兩 loeng5 also means ‘two’. However, 二 ji6 and 兩 loeng5 are used in different situations.
We use 二 ji6 to count or to say a number (e.g., room numbers and telephone numbers).
jat1, ji6, saam1, sei3, ng5…
One, two, three, four, five… -
ji6 jat1 ji6 sat1
Room 212
We use 兩 loeng5 to indicate the quantity of something. Since we need a classifier when indicating quantity, you can simply remember that we use 兩 loeng5 when ‘two’ is followed by a classifier.
loeng5 bun2 syu1
two books -
loeng5 go3 pang4 jau5
two friends
⚠️ To mean ‘second’, we say 第二 dai6 ji6, but not 第兩 dai6 loeng5.
Grammar Practice 2
Follow the example to form the noun phrases. Then, check your answers and repeat after the recordings.

朱古力 zyu1 gu1 lik1 chocolate
saam1 lap1 zyu1 gu1 lik1
three pieces of chocolate

同事 tung4 si6 colleague

雞 gai1 chicken

相機 soeng2 gei1 camera

雜誌 zaap6 zi3 magazine

飲筒 jam2 tung2 straw

戲飛 hei3 fei1 movie ticket
2.4 Possessive Constructions I
We use possessive constructions to show that something belongs to someone. In grammar, the person who owns the thing is called the possessor, and the thing being owned is called the possessed. There are two ways to form possessive constructions in Cantonese.
Possessive Constructions with 嘅 ge3
嘅 ge3 is similar to the apostrophe s (’s) in English. We can put 嘅 ge3 between the possessor and the possessed to form a possessive construction.
Notice that possessive constructions with 嘅 ge3 don’t indicate the quantity of the possessed. The possessed can be singular or plural.
The possessed can also be people who the possessor has a relationship with.
We can omit 嘅 ge3 if the possessor has a close relationship with the possessed (e.g., family members, friends and colleagues). In general, we omit 嘅 ge3 only if the possessed is singular.
However, if the possessive construction is a subject complement after the verb 係 hai6, 嘅 ge3 can still be omitted even if the possessed is plural.
The possessive construction 我朋友 ngo5 pang4 jau5 is a subject complement after the verb 係 hai6. 嘅 ge3 can still be omitted even although the possessed 朋友 pang4 jau5 is plural.
Possessive Constructions with Classifiers
Alternatively, we can put a classifier between the possessor and the possessed to form a possessive construction. Note that the classifier is determined by the possessed (the noun after the classifier) instead of the possessor.
If we use a sortal classifier, we indicate that the possessed is singular. To indicate that the possessed is plural, we can use measure classifiers like 啲 di1.
The following table summarizes the quantity of the possessed in different possessive constructions:
The table below shows the differences between possessive constructions with 嘅 ge3 and classifiers.
Note that the actual use is more complicated. As a beginner, you will usually use possessive constructions with classifiers. Also, try to omit 嘅 ge3 when the possessor has a close relationship with the possessed and the possessed is singular.
Grammar Practice 3
Follow the examples to form possessive constructions with classifiers. Then, check your answers and repeat after the recordings.

朋友 pang4 jau5 friend
ngo5 go3 pang4 jau5
my friend

朋友 pang4 jau5 friend
ngo5 di1 pang4 jau5
my friends

筆 bat1 pen

老公 lou5 gung1 husband

狗 gau2 dog

同學 tung4 hok6 classmate

相機 soeng2 gei1 camera

阿頭 aa3 tau2 supervisor

枱 toi2 desk

同事 tung4 si6 colleague
2.5 Demonstrative Constructions I
We use demonstratives to refer to a specific thing based on its distance from us.
In English, words like this and that are demonstratives.
In Cantonese, we use the demonstratives 呢 ni1 / nei1 / ji1 and 嗰 go2 to form demonstrative constructions.
We don’t use 呢 ni1 and 嗰 go2 alone. We form demonstrative constructions with this structure:
If the number is 一 jat1 (‘one’), we often omit the number.
We can use the classifier 啲 di1 to indicate that the noun is plural without specifying the number. We usually use 啲 di1 when the quantity is three or above.
If the quantity is exactly two, we usually say the number 兩 loeng5 (‘two’) directly instead of 啲 di1. Notice we use 兩 loeng5 instead of 二 ji6 in a demonstrative construction.
If the noun is obvious in the context, we can often omit the noun.
go2 go3 jan4 hai6 bin1 go3 aa3?
Who is that person?
go2 go3 jan4 hai6 ngo5 tung4 si6.
That person is my colleague.
In the context of this lesson, we don’t usually say 呢啲人 ni1 di1 jan4 and 嗰啲人 go2 di1 jan4.
To refer to several people, we can use 幾 gei2 (‘several’) as the number.
To refer to a group of people, we can use the measure classifier 班 baan1 (‘group’). Notice the number 一 jat1 (‘one’) is omitted in the examples.
We can also simply use the personal pronoun 佢哋 keoi5 dei6 (‘they / them’) to refer to the people.
Grammar Practice 4
Follow the examples to form demonstrative constructions. Try to use as many ways as possible. Then, check your answers and repeat after the recordings.

男仔 naam4 zai2 teenage boy or young man
ni1 go3 naam4 zai2
this teenage boy or young man

書 syu1 book
嗰三本書 / 嗰幾本書 / 嗰啲書
go2 saam1 bun2 syu1 / go2 gei2 bun2 syu1 / go2 di1 syu1
those three books / those several books / those books

電話 din6 waa2 phone

人 jan4 person

糖 tong2 candy

女仔 neoi5 zai2 teenage girl or young woman

筆 bat1 pen

男人 naam4 jan2 man

枱 toi2 desk

人 jan4 person
2.6 The Sentence Particle 嚟 lai4 (Assertion)
We can use the sentence particle 嚟 lai4 / lei4 to form sentences that assert facts by using the following sentence structure:
(Noun Phrase)
(Noun Phrase)
The subject complement indicates the identity of the subject or describes the subject. In this sentence structure, we put the subject complement right after the subject without a verb in between. Note that we put 嚟 lai4 right after the subject complement. Therefore, if there are other sentence particles in the sentence, we put them after 嚟 lai4.
嚟 lai4 brings the subject complement into focus. We usually use this sentence structure when the subject complement is the information we want to exchange.
ni1 go3 jan4 bin1 go3 lai4?
Who is this person?
ni1 go3 jan4 ngo5 pang4 jau5 lai4.
This person is my friend.
We can also add 嚟 lai4 to a sentence which has the verb 係 hai6.
We don’t usually put two personal pronouns right next to each other. In sentences like the following example, we usually add the verb 係 hai6 so that the two personal pronouns are separated.
❌ 佢我同事嚟。
keoi5 ngo5 tung4 si6 lai4.
✔️ 佢係我同事嚟。
keoi5 hai6 ngo5 tung4 si6 lai4.
⚠️ We don’t usually use 嚟 lai4 when we are simply saying someone’s name.
nei5 dei6 hai6…?
You are…?
❌ 我係阿峰嚟,佢係阿瑩嚟。
ngo5 hai6 aa3 fung1 lai4, keoi5 hai6 aa3 jing4 lai4.
✔️ 我係阿峰,佢係阿瑩。
ngo5 hai6 aa3 fung1, keoi5 hai6 aa3 jing4.
I am Fung. She is Ying.
2.7 The Sentence Particle 嘅 ge3 (Assertion)
💡 Tips
Although the sentence particle 嘅 ge3 and the 嘅 ge3 in a possessive construction are pronounced the same, they are different words.
We can add the sentence particle 嘅 ge3 to sentences that assert facts. 嘅 ge3 brings the facts asserted, usually new information for the listener, into focus. In Grammar and Vocabulary 2.6, we use the sentence particle 嚟 lai4 to form a sentence that assert facts. We can add 嘅 ge3 to a sentence with 嚟 lai4. Notice we put 嘅 ge3 after 嚟 lai4.
keoi5 hai6 ngo5 pang4 jau5 lai4 ge3.
He / She is my friend. -
keoi5 hai6 hoeng1 gong2 jan4 lai4 ge3.
He / She is a Hong Konger.
⚠️ We don’t add 嘅 ge3 when we are simply saying someone’s name.
nei5 dei6 hai6…?
You are…?
❌ 我係阿峰嘅,佢係阿瑩嘅。
ngo5 hai6 aa3 fung1 ge3, keoi5 hai6 aa3 jing4 ge3.
✔️ 我係阿峰,佢係阿瑩。
ngo5 hai6 aa3 fung1, keoi5 hai6 aa3 jing4.
I am Fung. She is Ying.
If we want to add 嘅 ge3 to a sentence with the verb 係 hai6, we need to add 嚟 lai4 at the same time. Otherwise, the meaning will change.
keoi5 hai6 ngo5 pang4 jau5.
He / She is my friend. -
keoi5 hai6 ngo5 pang4 jau5 lai4 ge3.
He / She is my friend. -
keoi5 hai6 ngo5 pang4 jau5 ge3.
He / She is my friend’s.
嘅 ge3 can also be added to questions that elicit facts.
keoi5 hai6 bin1 go3 lai4 ge3?
Who is he / she?
We can optionally add the sentence particle 呀 aa3 to the questions. Note that we put aa3 呀 after 嘅 ge3. Also, we usually contract 嘅 ge3 and 呀 aa3 to 㗎 gaa3 (嘅 ge3 + 呀 aa3 = 㗎 gaa3).
keoi5 hai6 bin1 go3 lai4 ge3 aa3?
Who is he / she? -
keoi5 hai6 bin1 go3 lai4 gaa3?
Who is he / she?
We can also optionally apply rising intonation to the questions. When rising intonation is applied, 嘅 ge3 becomes 嘅 ge2 (嘅 ge3 + Rising Intonation ↗ = 嘅 ge2).
keoi5 hai6 bin1 go3 lai4 ge2?
Who is he / she?
We either add the sentence particle 呀 aa3 or apply rising intonation, but don’t do both at the same time.
2.8 Comparison between 嚟 lai4 and 嘅 ge3
Both the sentence particles 嚟 lai4 and 嘅 ge3 are related to asserting facts, but their functions are different.
嚟 lai4 is only used to form sentences with this sentence structure:
(Noun Phrase)
(Noun Phrase)
We always need 嚟 lai4 for this sentence structure. 嘅 ge3 cannot replace 嚟 lai4.
✔️ 呢個人我同事嚟。
ni1 go3 jan4 ngo5 tung4 si6 lai4.
This person is my colleague.
❌ 呢個人我同事嘅。
ni1 go3 jan4 ngo5 tung4 si6 ge3.
嘅 ge3 is a more general sentence particle for bringing focus to the facts asserted in a sentence. We can add 嘅 ge3 not only to sentences with 嚟 lai4, but also other types of sentences.
ni1 go3 jan4 ngo5 tung4 si6 lai4 ge3.
This person is my colleague. -
ngo5 zung1 ji3 haang4 saan1 ge3.
I like hiking.
2.9 The Question Word 邊個 bin1 go3 (‘who’) I
The question word 邊個 bin1 go3 is similar to who in English. We can use 邊個 bin1 go3 to form a question that elicits someone’s identity as the answer.
keoi5 hai6 bin1 go3 lai4 gaa3?
Who is he / she?
keoi5 hai6 ngo5 tung4 hok6 lai4 ge3.
He / she is my classmate.
ni1 loeng5 go3 jan4 hai6 bin1 go3 lai4 gaa3?
Who are these two people?
ni1 loeng5 go3 jan4 hai6 ngo5 di1 tung4 si6 lai4 ge3.
These two people are my colleagues.
2.10 Vocabulary List
- CL = Classifier
- Num = Number
- Part = Particle
- Pron = Pronoun
- SP = Sentence particle
2.11 Vocabulary for People I
Classifiers for people:
Used to show respect or be polite to the people we refer to
💡 Tips: 位 wai2 is only used in a few situations. When you are not sure, you can simply use 個 go3.
💡 Tips: The pronunciation jan2 is sometimes used when the word appears right after the classifier 個 go3.
We can use these gender-neutral terms to refer to a partner.
When we refer to a person with indication of the person’s gender, we pick the word based on the person’s age. For teenagers or young adults, we can use 男仔 naam4 zai2 or 女仔 neoi5 zai2. For adults, we can use 男人 naam4 jan2 or 女人 neoi5 jan2.
同 tung4 = together
同學 tung4 hok6 = 同 tung4 (‘together’) + 學 hok6 (‘to learn’)
同事 tung4 si6 = 同 tung4 (‘together’) + 事 si6 (‘to do’) -
上司 soeng6 si1 is more formal than 阿頭 aa3 tau2. 上司 soeng6 si1 is less frequently used in everyday conversations. Both 老闆 lou5 baan2 and 老細 lou5 sai3 are frequently used.
先生 sin1 saang1 and 太太 taai3 taai2 are more formal than 老公 lou5 gung1 and 老婆 lou5 po4. We usually use 先生 sin1 saang1 and 太太 taai3 taai2 when we want to be polite and show respect to the person we refer to.
😈 Sensitive Content
In very informal conversations, we can use the classifier 條 tiu4, instead of 個 go3 or 位 wai2, when referring to a person. Note that some people consider the use of 條 tiu4 vulgar and find it offensive.
We often use 條 tiu4 with the words 友 jau2 (‘guy’), 仔 zai2 (‘teenage boy or young man’) and 女 neoi2 (‘teenage girl or young woman’) in a demonstrative construction to refer to someone informally.
ni1 tiu4 jau2
this guy
go2 tiu4 zai2
that teenage boy or young man
go3 tiu4 neoi2
that teenage girl or young woman
We also use 條 tiu4 with the words 仔 zai2 and 女 neoi2 in a possessive construction to refer to someone’s boyfriend or girlfriend informally. Notice the meanings of 仔 zai2 and 女 neoi2 become ‘boyfriend’ and ‘girlfriend’ respectively here.
keoi5 tiu4 neoi2
his / her girlfriend
Janice tiu4 zai2
Janice’s boyfriend
In the Communication section, you will learn:
- Identifying someone by relationship
Identifying Someone by Relationship
When we introduce a person, we can say the relationship we have with that person. We will learn the expressions we can use when referring to one single person and multiple people.
To refer to only one person, we can say:
We can also use a demonstrative construction to refer to a person based on the person’s distance from us. We can omit the noun 人 jan4 (e.g., 呢個人 ni1 go3 jan4 → 呢個 ni1 go3) because it is obvious in the context.
- CL = Classifier
- () = Words that can be omitted optionally
To refer to more than one person, we can say:
We can also use a demonstrative construction. To avoid repetition, only examples with 呢 ni1 will be included below. Simply replace 呢 ni1 with 嗰 go2 if needed. Also, the noun 人 jan4 will be omitted in the following examples.
To refer to exactly two people, we can say:
To refer to someone present in the conversation politely, we can say:
- Say 係 hai6 longer.
- We always omit the noun 人 jan4 after the classifier 位 wai2.
✔️ 呢位 ni1 wai2
❌ 呢位人 ni1 wai2 jan4
To refer to several people, we can say:
To refer to exactly two people, we can say:
We can also use the personal pronouns 佢 keoi5 or 佢地 keoi5 dei6.
Exercise 1
Complete the descriptions.
Classifiers are a type of words we need to add before a ____ in several situations. Classifiers can be divided into two types: ____ classifiers and ____ classifiers.
To indicate that the quantity of something is two, we say ____ instead of 二 ji6.
To form a possessive construction, we can put ____ or ____ between the possessor and the possessed.
In a demonstrative construction, we can use ____ to refer to something close to us and ____ to refer to something far away from us.
The sentence particle ____ can be used to form sentences that assert facts. It brings the noun phrase right before it into focus.
The sentence particle ____ can be added to sentences that assert facts. It brings the facts asserted into focus.
Exercise 2
Complete the table.
Exercise 3
Add the words provided to the conversations. Then, listen to the recordings to check your answers. Finally, repeat after the recordings.
Conversation 1
㗎 gaa3 / 嚟 lai4 / 我 ngo5
ni1 go3 bin1 go3 lai4?
ni1 go3 aa3 tau2 ge3.
Conversation 2
啲 di1 / 嘅 ge3 / 嗰 go2
loeng5 go3 hai6 bin1 go3 lai4 gaa3?
keoi5 dei6 hai6 ngo5 tung4 si6 lai4.
Conversation 3
啲 di1 / 幾 gei2 / 係 hai6
ni1 go3 jan4 bin1 go3 lai4 gaa3?
ni1 hai6 ngo5 di1 tung4 hok6 lai4 ge3.
Exercise 4
Follow the examples to complete the conversations. Then, listen to the recordings to check your answers. Finally, repeat after the recordings.

人 jan4 / 阿詩同學 aa3 si1 tung4 hok6

人 jan4 / 阿詩同學 aa3 si1 tung4 hok6

女仔 neoi5 zai2 / 阿偉女朋友 aa3 wai5 neoi5 pang4 jau5

男人 naam4 jan2 / 阿詩同事 aa3 si1 tung4 si6

人 jan4 / Leo朋友 aa3 si1 tung4 si6

男仔 naam4 zai2 / 阿峰同學 aa3 fung1 tung4 hok6

女人 neoi5 jan2 / William太太 William taai3 taai2
Activity 1
Listen to two conversations. The speakers will introduce themselves or other people. Complete the tables.
Conversation 1
Conversation 2
Transcripts with Translation
Conversation 1
ni1 loeng5 wai2 hai6…?
These two people are…?
keoi5 dei6 hai6 ngo5 di1 tung4 si6, ni1 wai2 giu3 Janice, ni1 wai2 giu3 aa3 Ben.
They are my colleagues. This person’s name is Janice. This person’s name is Ben.
nei5 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Mandy sin1 saang1, ngo5 giu3 Marcus.
Hello. I am Mandy’s husband. My name is Marcus.
nei5 hou2.
nei5 hou2.
go2 go3 jan4 hai6 bin1 go3 lai4 gaa3?
Who is that person?
keoi5 hai6 ngo5 aa3 tau2 lai4 ge3.
He is my supervisor.
ngo4! keoi5 hai6 Steven?
Oh! He is Steven?
keoi5 hai6 Jackson, Steven hai6 ngo5 lou5 baan2.
He is Jackson. Steven is my boss.
Conversation 2
haa1 lou2, ngo5 hai6 Louis pang4 jau5, ngo5 giu3 aa3 fai1, ni1 go3 hai6 ngo5 lou5 po4, keoi5 giu3 aa3 ji4, nei5 dei6 hai6…?
Hello. I am Louis’ friend. My name is Fai. This is my wife. Her name is Yi. You are…?
haa1 lou2, ngo5 hai6 Louis tung4 si6, ngo5 giu3 Billy, keoi5 hai6 ngo5 naam4 pang4 jau5, keoi5 giu3 aa3 lok6.
Hello. I am Louis’ colleague. My name is Billy. He is my boyfriend. His name is Lok.
Activity 2
Form a group of four. Use the notes below to make conversations. Swap your roles after each conversation.
Four people are sitting next to each other. A only knows B, but not C and D. A asks B about C and D’s identities.
Activity 3
Form a group of four. Each of you will get a role card. Don't show your role card to your group members. Talk to them to find out the person who is cheating in the photos below.

Answer: ____
Activity 4
Form a group. Share photos you took with some people. Introduce the people inside the photos by saying their names and identities. If there are words that you haven’t learned, look them up in dictionaries (e.g., CantoWords).