Activity 1
Listen to two conversations. The speakers will introduce themselves or other people. Complete the tables.
Conversation 1
Conversation 2
Transcripts with Translation
Conversation 1
ni1 loeng5 wai2 hai6…?
These two people are…?
keoi5 dei6 hai6 ngo5 di1 tung4 si6, ni1 wai2 giu3 Janice, ni1 wai2 giu3 aa3 Ben.
They are my colleagues. This person’s name is Janice. This person’s name is Ben.
nei5 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Mandy sin1 saang1, ngo5 giu3 Marcus.
Hello. I am Mandy’s husband. My name is Marcus.
nei5 hou2.
nei5 hou2.
go2 go3 jan4 hai6 bin1 go3 lai4 gaa3?
Who is that person?
keoi5 hai6 ngo5 aa3 tau2 lai4 ge3.
He is my supervisor.
ngo4! keoi5 hai6 Steven?
Oh! He is Steven?
keoi5 hai6 Jackson, Steven hai6 ngo5 lou5 baan2.
He is Jackson. Steven is my boss.
Conversation 2
haa1 lou2, ngo5 hai6 Louis pang4 jau5, ngo5 giu3 aa3 fai1, ni1 go3 hai6 ngo5 lou5 po4, keoi5 giu3 aa3 ji4, nei5 dei6 hai6…?
Hello. I am Louis’ friend. My name is Fai. This is my wife. Her name is Yi. You are…?
haa1 lou2, ngo5 hai6 Louis tung4 si6, ngo5 giu3 Billy, keoi5 hai6 ngo5 naam4 pang4 jau5, keoi5 giu3 aa3 lok6.
Hello. I am Louis’ colleague. My name is Billy. He is my boyfriend. His name is Lok.
Activity 2
Form a group of four. Use the notes below to make conversations. Swap your roles after each conversation.
Four people are sitting next to each other. A only knows B, but not C and D. A asks B about C and D’s identities.
Activity 3
Form a group of four. Each of you will get a role card. Don't show your role card to your group members. Talk to them to find out the person who is cheating in the photos below.

Answer: ____
Activity 4
Form a group. Share photos you took with some people. Introduce the people inside the photos by saying their names and identities. If there are words that you haven’t learned, look them up in dictionaries (e.g., CantoWords).