2.8 Comparison between 嚟 lai4 and 嘅 ge3

Both the sentence particles 嚟 lai4 and 嘅 ge3 are related to asserting facts, but their functions are different.

lai4 is only used to form sentences with this sentence structure:

(Noun Phrase)
Subject Complement
(Noun Phrase)


We always need 嚟 lai4 for this sentence structure. 嘅 ge3 cannot replace 嚟 lai4.

✔️ 呢個人我同事
ni1 go3 jan4 ngo5 tung4 si6 lai4.
This person is my colleague.

❌ 呢個人我同事
ni1 go3 jan4 ngo5 tung4 si6 ge3.

嘅 ge3 is a more general sentence particle for bringing focus to the facts asserted in a sentence. We can add 嘅 ge3 not only to sentences with 嚟 lai4, but also other types of sentences.

  1. 呢個人我同事嚟
    ni1 go3 jan4 ngo5 tung4 si6 lai4 ge3.
    This person is my colleague.

  2. 我鍾意行山
    ngo5 zung1 ji3 haang4 saan1 ge3.
    I like hiking.