7. Revision Section B

Question 1

You will hear two syllables each time. Are their tones the same (S) or different (D)?

  1. S / D
  2. S / D
  3. S / D
  4. S / D
  5. S / D
  6. S / D
  7. S / D
  8. S / D
  9. S / D
  10. S / D
  11. S / D
  12. S / D
  13. S / D
  14. S / D

Question 2

You will hear seven syllables each time. The first six syllables are Tone 1 to Tone 6 respectively. Which tone is the last syllable?

  1. si ____
  2. si ____
  3. si ____
  4. si ____
  5. si ____
  6. si ____
  7. hon ____
  8. soeng ____
  9. fu ____
  10. fan ____
  11. hon ____
  12. soeng ____

Question 3

You will hear one syllable each time. Which tone is the syllable?

  1. si ____
  2. si ____
  3. si ____
  4. si ____
  5. si ____
  6. si ____
  7. hon ____
  8. soeng ____
  9. fu ____
  10. fan ____
  11. hon ____
  12. soeng ____

Instructions for Questions 4 to 7

Follow the steps below to complete each question.

Step 1: Say the sound, word or sentence aloud yourself.
Step 2: Listen to the recording and compare your pronunciation to the recording.
Step 3: Follow the recording and say the sound, syllable, word or sentence again.

Question 4

Say the sounds below.



1. b
2. p
3. m
4. f
5. d
6. t
7. n
8. l
9. g
10. k
11. ng
12. h
13. gw
14. kw
15. w
16. z
17. c
18. s
19. j


1. aa
2. a
3. e
4. i
5. o
6. u
7. eo
8. oe
9. yu
10. aai
11. ai
12. ei
13. oi
14. ui
15. eoi
16. aau
17. au
18. eu
19. iu
20. ou
21. aam
22. am
23. em
24. im
25. m
26. aan
27. an
28. in
29. on
30. un
31. eon
32. yun
33. aang
34. ang
35. eng
36. ing
37. ong
38. ung
39. oeng
40. ng
41. aap
42. ap
43. ep
44. ip
45. aat
46. at
47. et
48. it
49. ot
50. ut
51. eot
52. oet
53. yut
54. aak
55. ak
56. ek
57. ik
58. ok
59. uk
60. oek

Question 5

Say the syllable si with the tones below.

Tone Number
Tone 1
Tone 2
Tone 3
Tone 4
Tone 5
Tone 6
Tone Name
High level
Mid rising
Mid level
Low falling
Low rising
Low level

Question 6

Say the words below.

  1. 學生 hok6 saang1  student
  2. 老師 lou5 si1  teacher
  3. 律師 leot6 si1  lawyer
  4. 農夫 nung4 fu1  farmer
  5. 演員 jin2 jyun4  actor / actress
  6. 化妝師 faa3 zong1 si1  makeup artist
  7. 警察 ging2 caat3  police officer
  8. 消防員 siu1 fong4 jyun4  firefighter

Question 7

Say the sentences below.

  1. 請問呢個字點讀呀?
    cing2 man6 ni1 go3 zi6 dim2 duk6 aa3?
    How to pronounce this word?

  2. 請問「巴士」點解呀?
    cing2 man6 ‘baa1 si2’ dim2 gaai2 aa3?
    What is the meaning for ‘baa1 si2’?

💡 Tips: ‘baa1 si2’ is the word for bus in Cantonese.

  1. 請問「巴士」嘅拼音係咩呀?
    cing2 man6 ‘baa1 si2’ ge3 ping3 jam1 hai6 me1 aa3?
    What is the Romanized Cantonese for ‘baa1 si2’?

  2. 請問「bus」嘅廣東話係咩呀?
    cing2 man6 ‘bus’ ge3 gwong2 dung1 waa2 hai6 me1 aa3?
    How to say ‘bus’ in Cantonese?

  3. 請問可唔可以講慢啲呀?
    cing2 man6 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 gong2 maan6 di1 aa3?
    Can you speak more slowly, please?

  4. 請問可唔可以講多次呀?
    cing2 man6 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 gong2 do1 ci3 aa3?
    Can you repeat it, please?

  5. 唔好意思,我唔係好明呀。
    m4 hou2 ji3 si1, ngo5 m4 hai6 hou2 ming4 aa3.
    Sorry, I don’t quite get it.

Congratulations! 🎉

You have completed the pronunciation guide. In this pronunciation guide, you have learned to say the Cantonese sounds (the initials, finals and tones) and read Romanized Cantonese in Jyutping.

💭 Think!

Do you find anything in this pronunciation guide particularly challenging? Do you think you are ready to use Jyutping to learn Cantonese in the coming units?

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