3. Tones at the High Pitch

The following two tones are at or partly at the high pitch:

Tone NumberTone 1Tone 2
Tone NameHigh levelMid rising

The pitch of Tone 1 remains steady throughout the whole syllable, whereas the pitch of Tone 2 goes up noticeably and rapidly in the syllable.

Step 1  Listen to the syllable si in Tone 1 and Tone 2 together. Pay attention to the pitch. Tone 2 has a noticeable change in pitch, but Tone 1 doesn’t.

si1 si2

Step 2  Practice saying the syllable si in Tone 1 and Tone 2. Listen and repeat.

si1 si2


Question 1

Practice saying Tone 1 and Tone 2 with other syllables. Listen and repeat.

  1. gaa1 gaa2
  2. fo1 fo2
  3. baau1 baau2
  4. fu1 fu2
  5. dai1 dai2

Question 2

You will hear two syllables each time. Are their tones the same (S) or different (D)?

  1. S / D
  2. S / D
  3. S / D
  4. S / D
  5. S / D
  6. S / D
  7. S / D
  8. S / D

Question 3

You will hear three syllables each time. The first two syllables are Tone 1 and Tone 2 respectively. Which tone is the last syllable?

  1. si ____
  2. si ____
  3. si ____
  4. si ____
  5. gaa ____
  6. fo ____
  7. baau ____
  8. fu ____

Question 4

You will hear one syllable each time. Which tone is the syllable?

  1. si ____
  2. si ____
  3. si ____
  4. si ____
  5. gaa ____
  6. fo ____
  7. baau ____
  8. dai ____