5. Cantonese Pronunciation

Click the tones, initials and finals to hear the sounds. Click + to see mouth shapes and examples.


There are 6 tones in total. Listen and repeat.

Tone NumberTone 1 +Tone 2 +Tone 3 +Tone 4 +Tone 5 +Tone 6 +
Tone NameHigh levelMid risingMid levelLow fallingLow risingLow level


There are 19 initials in total. Listen and repeat.

UnaspiratedAspirated 💨
b +p +m +f +
d +t +n +l +
g +k +ng +h +
gw +kw +w +
z +c +s +j +


There are 59 finals in total. Listen and repeat.

aa +a +e +i +o +u +eo +oe +yu +
-iaai +ai +ei +oi +ui +eoi +
-uaau +au +eu +iu +ou +
-maam +am +em +im +m +
-naan +an +in +on +un +eon +yun +
-ngaang +ang +eng +ing +ong +ung +oeng +ng +
-paap +ap +ep +ip +
-taat +at +et +it +ot +ut +eot +oet +yut +
-kaak +ak +ek +ik +ok +uk +oek +

Note that eo doesn’t form a final on its own.

Pronunciation Variations

When you talk to Hong Kong Cantonese speakers, you will likely discover that their pronunciation varies from one person to another. Some of the pronunciation variations come from the sound changes taking place in Hong Kong Cantonese. Some sounds have been pronounced as another sound or dropped. Some Hong Kong Cantonese speakers consider these sound changes as 懶音 laan2 jam1 (‘lazy pronunciation’), which they think is incorrect and should be corrected.

There are several pronunciation variations you will often encounter:

Sound Change

The initial n is pronounced as the initial l.

Many Hong Kong Cantonese speakers no longer differentiate between the initials n and l. They often replace n with l when producing words which originally had n as the initial.

nei5 lei5


The initial gw is sometimes pronounced as the initial g.

法國 faat3 gwok3 faat3 gok3


The initial ng is sometimes dropped, or the initial ng is sometimes added.

ngo5 o5
oi3 ngoi3


The ending ng in some finals is sometimes pronounced as n.

銀行 ngan4 hong4 ngan4 hon4

The ending n in some finals is sometimes pronounced as ng.

gon1 gong1


The ending k in some finals is sometimes pronounced as t.

baak3 baat3


The final ng is sometimes pronounced as the final m.

ng5 m5

In this book, the original pronunciations will be listed. The audio, however, will contain pronunciation variations because this can prepare you for communication in the real world.

Made with in Hong Kong.

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