9. Chinese Character Fonts

There are a lot of Chinese fonts ( 字型 zi6⠤ jing4⠢ or 字體 zi6⠤ tai2⠜). Three common categories of Chinese fonts are listed below.

 明體 ming4⠢ tai2⠜ /
 宋體 sung3⠒ tai2⠜
 黑體 hak1⠉ tai2⠜
 楷體 kaai2⠜ tai2⠜

Among these three categories of fonts, 楷體 kaai2⠜ tai2⠜ looks most similar to handwritten Chinese characters. It is often used in Chinese textbooks. In other contexts, such as books, newspapers, websites, signage, you will usually see the other two categories of fonts.