10. Chinese Characters and Pronunciation

One Character with Multiple Pronunciations

While most Chinese characters have only one pronunciation, some characters have more than one pronunciation. When we pronounce these characters, we usually decide the pronunciation based on the meaning of the word.

Listen to the example below. The character 樂 is pronounced differently in the two words below.

jam1⠉ ngok6⠤  music
faai3⠒ lok6⠤  happiness

In some other cases, a character is pronounced differently because of tone change. Tone change refers to the situation when the tone of a syllable is changed to another tone in a particular word.

Listen to the example below. The character 鏡 is pronounced as geng3⠒ individually, but as geng2⠜ in the word 眼鏡 ngaan5⠢ geng2⠜.

geng3⠒  mirror
ngaan5⠢ geng2⠜  glasses

There is often tone change when we see two identical characters appearing consecutively in a word.

Listen to the examples below. Notice the tones of the characters 爸 and 麻 change in the words.

baa4⠢ baa1⠉  father
maa4⠢ maa2⠜ dei2⠜  so-so

Multiple Characters with Same Pronunciation

Different Chinese characters can share the same pronunciation.

Listen to the example below. All the underlined characters are pronounced as luk6⠤.

luk6⠤ sap6⠤  sixty
luk6⠤ sik1⠉  green
luk6⠤ dei6⠤  land
luk6⠤ jam1⠉  to record (audio)

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