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nei5 zou6 gan2 je5 ding6 duk6 gan2 syu1 gaa3?
nei5 zou6 gan2 je5 ding6 duk6 gan2 syu1 gaa3?
Grammar and Vocabulary
In the Grammar and Vocabulary section, you will learn:
- Indefinite Noun Phrases I
- Introduction to Aspect Particles
- Separable Verbs
- Verb-Object Compounds
- The Aspect Particle 緊 gan2 (Progressive)
- Grammar Practice 1
- The Conjunction 定 ding6 / 定係 ding6 hai6 (‘or’)
- The Expression 咁 gam2 (‘then’)
- The Adverb 仲 zung6 II (‘still’)
- Vocabulary List
- Vocabulary for Occupations
- Vocabulary for Subjects
6.1 Indefinite Noun Phrases I
We can use indefinite noun phrases to refer to a type of people or things in general.
To form an indefinite noun phrase, we can simply say a noun without adding a number and a classifier.
ngo5 hai6 lou5 si1 lai4.
I am a teacher.
The noun phrase 老師 lou5 si1 is an indefinite noun phrase. It only has the noun 老師 lou5 si1 and doesn’t have a number and a classifier. It refers to teachers, a type of occupation.
Another way to form an indefinite noun phrase is to add the number 一 jat1 (‘one’) and a classifier before a noun. This is similar to noun phrases with the indefinite article a or an in English (e.g., a teacher).
ngo5 hai6 jat1 go3 lou5 si1 lai4.
I am a teacher.
The noun phrase 一個老師 jat1 go3 lou5 si1 is an indefinite noun phrase. It has the number 一 jat1 and the classifier 個 go1 before the noun 老師 lou5 si1. It refers to teachers, a type of occupation.
We can omit the number 一 jat1 if the indefinite noun phrase appears after a verb.
ngo5 hai6 go3 lou5 si1 lai4.
I am a teacher.
In Grammar and Vocabulary 2.6, we learned to form sentences with the sentence particle 嚟 lai4 and the verb 係 hai6. We can use an indefinite noun phrase as the subject complement.
Notice when the verb 係 hai6 is not added to a sentence, we usually use an indefinite noun phrase without the number 一 jat1 and a classifier as the subject complement, instead of an indefinite noun phrase with the number 一 jat1 and a classifier.
✔️ 我老師嚟。
ngo5 lou5 si1 lai4.
I am a teacher.
❌ 我一個老師嚟。
ngo5 jat1 go3 lou5 si1 lai4.
6.2 Introduction to Aspect Particles
Aspect is about the status of an activity (e.g., whether the activity is ongoing or completed). In Cantonese, we use aspect particles to indicate aspect.
ngo5 sik6 gan2 zou2 caan1.
I am eating breakfast.
緊 gan2 is an aspect particle. It indicates the action 食 sik6 (‘to eat’) is ongoing. -
ngo5 sik6 zo2 zou2 caan1.
I have eaten breakfast.
咗 zo2 is an aspect particle. It indicates the action 食 sik6 (‘to eat’) is completed.
We put an aspect particle after the verb and before the object if there is one.
ngo5 haang4 gan2.
I am walking.
The aspect particle 緊 gan2 is put after the verb 行 haang4 (‘to walk’). -
ngo5 sik6 zo2 zou2 caan1.
I have eaten breakfast.
The aspect particle 咗 zo2 is put after the verb 食 sik6 (‘to eat’) and before the object 早餐 zou2 caan1 (‘breakfast’).
6.3 Separable Verbs
When we add an aspect particle to a group of verbs, we don’t add the aspect particle after the verb. Instead, we separate the syllables of the verb and insert the aspect particle in between. We call this group of verbs separable verbs.
ngo5 zou6 gan2 je5.
I am working.
The verb 做嘢 zou6 je5 (‘to work’) is a separable verb. The aspect particle 緊 gan2 is inserted between the syllable 做 zou6 and the syllable 嘢 je5. -
ngo5 duk6 gan2 syu1.
I am studying.
The verb 讀書 duk6 syu1 (‘to study’) is a separable verb. The aspect particle 緊 gan2 is inserted between the syllable 讀 duk6 and the syllable 書 syu1.
Note that not all the verbs with more than one syllable are separable verbs. For example, the verb 鍾意 zung1 ji3 has two syllables, but it is not a separable verb. We add the aspect particle after the whole verb 鍾意 zung1 ji3, but not between the syllable 鍾 zung1 and the syllable 意 ji3.
❌ 我鍾咗意你。
ngo5 zung1 zo2 ji3 nei5.
✔️ 我鍾意咗你。
ngo5 zung1 ji3 zo2 nei5.
I have fallen for you.
Besides aspect particles, we also insert other types of words in a separable verb. We will cover them in later units.
6.4 Verb-Object Compounds
Many separable verbs are verb-object compounds. In a verb-object compound, the first syllable is the verb part, which usually represents an action, and the second syllable is the object part.
We don’t add another object after a verb-object compound because a verb-object compound already has an object part. If we need to add another object, we can use a related verb that is not a verb-object compound. The related verb is usually the same as the verb part of the verb-object compound (e.g., 讀 duk6 for 讀書 duk6 syu1).
❌ 我讀書工程嘅。
ngo5 duk6 syu1 gung1 cing4 ge3.
✔️ 我讀工程嘅。
ngo5 duk6 gung1 cing4 ge3.
I study engineering.
The verb 讀書 duk6 syu1 (‘to study’) is a verb-object compound. It already has the object part 書 syu1. We can’t add the object 工程 gung1 cing4 (‘engineering’) after 讀書 duk6 syu1. If we want to add the object 工程 gung1 cing4, we can use the related verb 讀 duk6 (‘to study’) instead.
When we add an aspect particle to a verb-object compound, we insert the aspect particle between the verb part and the noun part.
ngo5 duk6 gan2 syu1.
I am studying.
The aspect marker 緊 gan2 is added between the verb part 讀 duk6 and the noun part 書 syu1. -
ngo5 zou6 gan2 je5.
I am working.
The aspect marker 緊 gan2 is added between the verb part 做 zou6 and the noun part 嘢 je5.
6.5 The Aspect Particle 緊 gan2 (Progressive)
The aspect particle 緊 gan2 functions like the -ing ending in English verbs (e.g., I am eating). We use 緊 gan2 to indicate an activity is ongoing. The activity can be happening right at the time of speaking or happening currently. In grammar, this aspect is called the progressive aspect.
ngo5 zou6 gan2 je5.
I am working.
緊 gan2 indicates that the activity 做嘢 jou6 je6 (‘to work’ or ‘to do tasks for work’) is ongoing. The sentence means ‘I am currently working (I have a job)’. Note that it can also mean ‘I am doing some tasks for work’. -
ngo5 duk6 gan2 syu1.
I am studying.
緊 gan2 indicates that the activity 讀書 duk6 syu1 (‘to study’) is ongoing. The sentence means ‘I am currently studying (I am a student)’.
Grammar Practice 1
Add the aspect particle 緊 gan2 to each sentence. Then, check your answers and repeat after the recordings.
我行街。 ngo5 haang4 gaai1. | |
________ |
佢哋睇電視。 keoi5 dei6 tai2 din6 si6. | |
________ |
佢瞓覺。 keoi5 fan3 gaau3. | |
________ |
我打羽毛球。 ngo5 daa2 jyu5 mou4 kau4. | |
________ |
我哋煮嘢食。 ngo5 dei6 zyu2 je5 sik6. | |
________ |
6.6 The Conjunction定 ding6 / 定係 ding6 hai6 (‘or’)
The conjunction 定 ding6 or 定係 ding6 hai6 means ‘or’. We use it to indicate two or more options in a question.
When there are more than two options, we add 定 ding6 or 定係 ding6 hai6 before the last option.
We sometimes add 定 ding6 or 定係 ding6 hai6 between every option, especially when we are coming up with the options immediately so we are not sure which is the last option.
6.7 The Expression 咁 gam2 (‘then’)
The expression 咁 gam2 means ‘then (in that case)’. We use 咁 gam2 to show that what we say is based on what we have talked about. We put 咁 gam2 at the beginning of the sentence.
A: | 你做緊嘢定讀緊書㗎? | |
B: | 我做緊嘢嘅。 | |
A: | 咁你做咩㗎? | |
B: | 我做老師嘅。 |
We also often use 咁 gam2 only to introduce a new topic.
A: | 你做咩㗎? | |
B: | 我做老師嘅。 | |
A: | 咁你平時鍾意做咩㗎? | |
B: | 我鍾意行山嘅。 |
If the sentence ends with a sentence particle, we can move 咁 gam2 to the end of the sentence.
gam2 nei5 zou6 me1 gaa3?
nei5 zou6 me1 gaa3 gam2?
What do you do then? -
gam2 nei5 ping4 si4 zung1 ji3 zou6 me1 gaa3?
nei5 ping4 si4 zung1 ji3 zou6 me1 gaa3 gam2?
What do you usually like doing then?
6.8 The Adverb 仲 zung6 II (‘still’)
The adverb 仲 zung6 can mean ‘still’. We use 仲 zung6 to indicate that an activity is still happening.
ngo5 zung6 duk6 gan2 syu1.
I am still studying (I am still a student).
The adverb 仲 zung6 indicates that the activity 讀書 duk6 syu1 (‘to study’) is still happening.
6.9 Vocabulary List
Both 做嘢 zou6 je5 and 返工 faan1 gung1 can mean ‘to work’ idiomatically, but their literal meaning is slightly different:
做嘢 zou6 je5 = 做 zou6 (‘to do’) + 嘢 je5 (‘thing’)
It refers to the action of doing tasks for work.
返工 faan1 gung1 = 返 faan1 (‘to go to’) + 工 gung1 (‘work’)
It refers to the action of going to work.
- SV = Separable verb
- V = Verb
- N = Noun
- Adv = Adverb
- Conj = Conjunction
- AP = Aspect particle
- Exp = Expression
6.10 Vocabulary for Occupations
ngo5 zou6 Occupation ge3.
I work as Occupation.
ngo5 hai6 (go3) Occupation lai4 ge3.
I am Occupation.
To indicate we are a student in this context, we usually say:
ngo5 hai6 (go3) hok6 saang1 lai4 ge3.
I am a student.
But not:
ngo5 zou6 hok6 saang1 ge3.
I work as a student.
ngo5 zou6 Industry ge3.
I work in Industry.
Types of organizations
我做Type of organization嘅。
ngo5 zou6 Type of organization ge3.
I work at Type of organization.
我返Type of organization嘅。
ngo5 faan1 Type of organization ge3.
I go to Type of organization.
Duties of jobs
我Duty of job嘅。
ngo5 Duty of job ge3.
I Duty of job.
6.11 Vocabulary for Subjects
English is often used to refer to some of the subjects by Hong Kong Cantonese speakers.
ngo5 duk6 Subject ge3.
I study Subject.
In the Communication section, you will learn:
- Talking about Work or Study
Talking about Work or Study
Starting from this lesson, when a question can end with either 㗎 gaa3 or 嘅 ge2, we will include only one of them to avoid repetition. You can replace 㗎 gaa3 with 嘅 ge2 or vice versa.
- AP = Aspect particle
- The second part of a separable verb is in square parentheses.
Route 1: Work
- We don’t add 一個 jat1 go3 after 做 zou6 when introducing our occupation.
For some occupations, instead of saying the job title, we often say either the industry, the type of organization, or the duty of the job.
- We often refer to some industries in English (e.g., IT).
Type of organization
- The word 返 faan1 means ‘to go to (office or school)’ in this context. It indicates that we go to the place to work or study, instead of simply visiting there.
- If the organization is well known (e.g., some chain stores), we can say their name directly.
Duty of job
Route 2: Study
- We don’t usually say 我做學生嘅 ngo5 zou6 hok6 saang1 ge3 in this context.
Hong Kong university students often use the English word major when talking about the subjects they study.
- Hong Kong Cantonese speakers often refer to some subjects in English.
If we are still looking for a job, we can say:
If we don’t work, we can say:
- The word 冇 mou5 means ‘do not’ here. We will learn more about it in later lessons.