6.9 Vocabulary List

1.做嘢zou6 je5SVto work; to do tasks for work
2.做 + occupation
做 + industry
做 + organization
zou6 + occupation
zou6 + industry
zou6 + organization
Vto work as
to work in
to work at
3.返工faan1 gung1SVto go to work; to work
4.返 + organizationfaan1 + organizationVto go to (office or school)
5.讀書duk6 syu1SVto study
6.讀 + subjectduk6 + subjectVto study (a subject)
7.wan2Vto find
8.職業zik1 jip6Noccupation
9.gung1Njob; work
11.仲 / 重zung6Advstill

ding6 hai6
13.gan2AP(Indicating an activity is ongoing)
14.咁 / 噉gam2Expthen (in that case)

Both 做嘢 zou6 je5 and 返工 faan1 gung1 can mean ‘to work’ idiomatically, but their literal meaning is slightly different:
做嘢 zou6 je5 = 做 zou6 (‘to do’) + 嘢 je5 (‘thing’)
It refers to the action of doing tasks for work.
返工 faan1 gung1 = 返 faan1 (‘to go to’) + 工 gung1 (‘work’)
It refers to the action of going to work.

  • SV = Separable verb
  • V = Verb
  • N = Noun
  • Adv = Adverb
  • Conj = Conjunction
  • AP = Aspect particle
  • Exp = Expression