6.3 Separable Verbs
When we add an aspect particle to a group of verbs, we don’t add the aspect particle after the verb. Instead, we separate the syllables of the verb and insert the aspect particle in between. We call this group of verbs separable verbs.
ngo5 zou6 gan2 je5.
I am working.
The verb 做嘢 zou6 je5 (‘to work’) is a separable verb. The aspect particle 緊 gan2 is inserted between the syllable 做 zou6 and the syllable 嘢 je5. -
ngo5 duk6 gan2 syu1.
I am studying.
The verb 讀書 duk6 syu1 (‘to study’) is a separable verb. The aspect particle 緊 gan2 is inserted between the syllable 讀 duk6 and the syllable 書 syu1.
Note that not all the verbs with more than one syllable are separable verbs. For example, the verb 鍾意 zung1 ji3 has two syllables, but it is not a separable verb. We add the aspect particle after the whole verb 鍾意 zung1 ji3, but not between the syllable 鍾 zung1 and the syllable 意 ji3.
❌ 我鍾咗意你。
ngo5 zung1 zo2 ji3 nei5.
✔️ 我鍾意咗你。
ngo5 zung1 ji3 zo2 nei5.
I have fallen for you.
Besides aspect particles, we also insert other types of words in a separable verb. We will cover them in later units.