10. Revision Section B

Instructions for Questions 1 to 5

Follow the steps below to complete each question.

Step 1: Say the sound, syllable, word or sentence aloud yourself.
Step 2: Listen to the recording and compare your pronunciation to the recording.
Step 3: Follow the recording and say the sound, syllable, word or sentence again.

Question 1

Say the initials below. Click the initials to hear the sounds. Click + to go to the page of each initial.

UnaspiratedAspirated 💨
b +p +m +f +
d +t +n +l +
g +k +ng +h +
w +
z +c +s +j +

Question 2

Say the finals below. Click the finals to hear the sounds. Click + to go to the page of each final.

aa +a +e +i +o +u +eo +oe +yu +
-iaai +ai +ei +oi +ui +eoi +
-uaau +au +eu +iu +ou +
-maam +am +em +im +
-naan +an +in +on +un +eon +yun +
-ngaang +ang +eng +ing +ong +ung +oeng +
-paap +ap +ep +ip +
-taat +at +et +it +ot +ut +eot +oet +yut +
-kaak +ak +ek +ik +ok +uk +oek +

Question 3

Say the syllable si with the tones below. Click the tones to hear the sounds. Click + to go to the page of each tone.

Tone NumberTone 1 +Tone 2 +Tone 3 +Tone 4 +Tone 5 +Tone 6 +
Tone NameHigh levelMid risingMid levelLow fallingLow risingLow level

Question 4

Say the syllables below.

  1. mat1
  2. duk6
  3. jam2
  4. leot6
  5. wang4
  6. lek1
  7. hot3
  8. ceon4
  9. nyun5
  10. sap6
  11. pet6
  12. wut6
  13. fung4
  14. zaan2
  15. gep6
  16. daap3
  17. ngong6
  18. beng2
  19. tit3
  20. koeng5

If you find this question challenging, practice with the additional recording below.

  1. m ‒ at ‒ mat ‒ mat1 ‒ mat1
  2. d ‒ uk ‒ duk ‒ duk1 duk2 duk3 duk4 duk5 duk6 ‒ duk6
  3. j ‒ am ‒ jam ‒ jam1 jam2 ‒ jam2
  4. l ‒ eot ‒ leot ‒ leot1 leot2 leot3 leot4 leot5 leot6 ‒ leot6
  5. w ‒ ang ‒ wang ‒ wang1 wang2 wang3 wang4 ‒ wang4
  6. l ‒ ek ‒ lek ‒ lek1 ‒ lek1
  7. h ‒ ot ‒ hot ‒ hot1 hot2 hot3 ‒ hot3
  8. c ‒ eon ‒ ceon ‒ ceon1 ceon2 ceon3 ceon4 ‒ ceon4
  9. n ‒ yun ‒ nyun ‒ nyun1 nyun2 nyun3 nyun4 nyun5 ‒ nyun5
  10. s ‒ ap ‒ sap ‒ sap1 sap2 sap3 sap4 sap5 sap6 ‒ sap6
  11. p ‒ et ‒ pet ‒ pet1 pet2 pet3 pet4 pet5 pet6 ‒ pet6
  12. w ‒ ut ‒ wut ‒ wut1 wut2 wut3 wut4 wut5 wut6 ‒ wut6
  13. f ‒ ung ‒ fung ‒ fung1 fung2 fung3 fung4 ‒ fung4
  14. z ‒ aan ‒ zaan ‒ zaan1 zaan2 ‒ zaan2
  15. g ‒ ep ‒ gep ‒ gep1 gep2 gep3 gep4 gep5 gep6 ‒ gep6
  16. d ‒ aap ‒ daap ‒ daap1 daap2 daap3 ‒ daap3
  17. ng ‒ ong ‒ ngong ‒ ngong1 ngong2 ngong3 ngong4 ngong5 ngong6 ‒ ngong6
  18. b ‒ eng ‒ beng ‒ beng1 beng2 ‒ beng2
  19. t ‒ it ‒ tit ‒ tit1 tit2 tit3 ‒ tit3
  20. k ‒ oeng ‒ koeng ‒ koeng1 koeng2 koeng3 koeng4 koeng5 ‒ koeng5

Question 5

Say the words below.

  1.  地鐵 dei6 tit3  subway
  2.  課室 fo3 sat1  classroom
  3.  紅蘿蔔 hung4 lo4 baak6  carrot
  4.  椰菜花 je4 coi3 faa1  cauliflower
  5.  辣椒 laat6 ziu1  chili
  6.  茄汁 ke2 zap1  ketchup
  7.  雪糕 syut3 gou1  ice cream
  8.  可樂 ho2 lok6  coke

Question 5

Say the sentences below.

  1. 我讀哲學嘅。
    ngo5 duk6 zit3 hok6 ge3.
    I study philosophy.

  2. 我係一個設計師嚟嘅。
    ngo5 hai6 jat1 go3 cit3 gai3 si1 lai4 ge3.
    I am a designer.

  3. 我住喺石硤尾嘅。
    ngo5 zyu6 hai2 sek6 gip3 mei5 ge3.
    I live in Shek Kip Mei (a district in Hong Kong).

Question 6

Listen to the following song. The song has a lot of syllables formed by the finals ending with -p, -t or -k. Complete the syllables below with p, t or k. Note that each ◯ below represents one syllable.

時光倒流一句話 si4 gwong1 dou2 lau4 jat1 geoi3 waa6
林家謙 lam4 gaa1 him1

💡 Tips: Click the blanks to see the answers.

0:18◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯ 力 li ____ 6
0:31◯◯◯◯◯◯ 著 zoe ____ 6 ◯◯◯◯
0:42◯◯ 發 faa ____ 3 ◯◯◯◯◯
0:55◯◯◯◯◯◯ 獗 kyu ____ 3 ◯◯◯◯
1:00◯◯◯◯◯◯◯ 洛 lo ____ 3 ◯◯◯◯◯
1:09◯◯◯◯◯ 豁 ku ____ 3
1:14◯◯◯ 不 ba ____ 1
1:23◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯ 接 zi ____ 3
1:36◯ 足 zu ____ 1
1:46sa ____ 6 ◯◯◯◯◯

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