9. Revision Section A

Instructions for Questions 1 to 3

Follow the steps below to complete each question.

Step 1: Say the syllable, word or sentence aloud yourself.
Step 2: Listen to the recording and compare your pronunciation to the recording.
Step 3: Follow the recording and say the syllable, word or sentence again.

Question 1

Say the syllables below.

  1. wun2
  2. naam5
  3. ngok6
  4. baak3
  5. wing5
  6. kaat1
  7. jip6
  8. ceot1
  9. goet4
  10. fuk6
  11. hon5
  12. joek3
  13. san5
  14. lem2
  15. tim4
  16. jik6
  17. zyut3
  18. maang4
  19. pin2
  20. dak1

If you find this question challenging, practice with the additional recording below.

  1. w ‒ un ‒ wun ‒ wun1 wun2 ‒ wun2
  2. n ‒ aam ‒ naam ‒ naam1 naam2 naam3 naam4 naam5 ‒ naam5
  3. ng ‒ ok ‒ ngok ‒ ngok1 ngok2 ngok3 ngok4 ngok5 ngok6 ‒ ngok6
  4. b ‒ aak ‒ baak ‒ baak1 baak2 baak3 ‒ baak3
  5. w ‒ ing ‒ wing ‒ wing1 wing2 wing3 wing4 wing5 ‒ wing5
  6. k ‒ aat ‒ kaat ‒ kaat1 ‒ kaat1
  7. j ‒ ip ‒ jip ‒ jip1 jip2 jip3 jip4 jip5 jip6 ‒ jip6
  8. c ‒ eot ‒ ceot ‒ ceot1 ‒ ceot1
  9. g ‒ oet ‒ goet ‒ goet1 goet2 goet3 goet4 ‒ goet4
  10. f ‒ uk ‒ fuk ‒ fuk1 fuk2 fuk3 fuk4 fuk5 fuk6 ‒ fuk6
  11. h ‒ on ‒ hon ‒ hon1 hon2 hon3 hon4 hon5 ‒ hon5
  12. j ‒ oek ‒ joek ‒ joek1 joek2 joek3 ‒ joek3
  13. s ‒ an ‒ san ‒ san1 san2 san3 san4 san5 ‒ san5
  14. l ‒ em ‒ lem ‒ lem1 lem2 ‒ lem2
  15. t ‒ im ‒ tim ‒ tim1 tim2 tim3 tim4 ‒ tim4
  16. j ‒ ik ‒ jik ‒ jik1 jik2 jik3 jik4 jik5 jik6 ‒ jik6
  17. z ‒ yut ‒ zyut ‒ zyut1 zyut2 zyut3 ‒ zyut3
  18. m ‒ aang ‒ maang ‒ maang1 maang2 maang3 maang4 ‒ maang4
  19. p ‒ in ‒ pin ‒ pin1 pin2 ‒ pin2
  20. d ‒ ak ‒ dak ‒ dak1 ‒ dak1

Question 2

Say the words below.

  1.  的士 dik1 si2  taxi
  2.  郵局 jau4 guk2  post office
  3.  學校 hok6 haau6  school
  4.  粟米 suk1 mai5  corn
  5.  栗子 leot6 zi2  chestnut
  6.  黑椒 hak1 ziu1  black pepper
  7.  煙肉 jin1 juk6  bacon
  8.  百合花 baak3 hap6 faa1  lily

Question 3

Say the sentences below.

  1. 我叫阿偉。
    ngo5 giu3 aa3 wai5.
    I am called Ah Wai.
  2. 我今年三十一歲。
    ngo5 gam1 nin4 saam1 sap6 jat1 seoi3.
    I am 31 years old.
  3. 我鍾意游水同煲劇。
    ngo5 zung1 ji3 jau4 seoi2 tung4 bou1 kek6.
    I like swimming and binge-watching TV series.

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