11. Revision Section A

Question 1

Recall the initials you have learned in this lesson. Write them below.


Question 2

Recall the finals you have learned in this lesson. Add the finals ending with the ending consonants -m, -n and -ng to the table.


Question 3

Recall the tones you have learned so far. Write the tone numbers and tone names and draw the tones.

Tone Number
Tone Name

Instructions for Questions 4 to 7

Follow the steps below to complete each question.

Step 1: Say the sound, syllable or word aloud yourself.
Step 2: Listen to the recording and compare your pronunciation to the recording.
Step 3: Follow the recording and say the sound, syllable or word again.

Question 4

Say the sounds below.



1. b
2. p
3. d
4. t
5. g
6. k
7. f
8. s
9. z
10. c
11. m
12. n
13. ng
14. l
15. h


1. aa
2. a
3. e
4. i
5. o
6. u
7. eo
8. oe
9. yu
10. aai
11. ai
12. ei
13. oi
14. ui
15. eoi
16. aau
17. au
18. eu
19. iu
20. ou
21. aam
22. am
23. em
24. im
25. aan
26. an
27. in
28. on
29. un
30. eon
31. yun
32. aang
33. ang
34. eng
35. ing
36. ong
37. ung
38. oeng

Question 5

Say the syllable si with the tones below.

Tone Number
Tone 1
Tone 2
Tone 3
Tone 4
Tone 5
Tone Name
High level
Mid rising
Mid level
Low falling
Low rising

Question 6

Say the syllables below.

  1. fui3
  2. haang4
  3. bou3
  4. kan5
  5. zyu3
  6. fu5
  7. nin4
  8. ceon1
  9. mong5
  10. gam1
  11. soeng2
  12. paau3
  13. gon2
  14. lem2
  15. haai5
  16. ting1
  17. ngai4
  18. dim2
  19. la3

If you find this question challenging, practice with the additional recording. In the additional recording, you will hear:

InitialFinalSyllableSyllable in TonesAnswer
fuifuifui1 fui2 fui3fui3
haanghaanghaang1 haang2 haang3 haang4haang4
  1. f - ui – fui – fui1 fui2 fui3 – fui3
  2. h - aang – haang – haang1 haang2 haang3 haang4 – haang4
  3. b – ou – bou – bou1 bou2 bou3 – bou3
  4. k – an – kan – kan1 kan2 kan3 kan4 kan5 – kan5
  5. z – yu – zyu – zyu1 zyu2 zyu3 – zyu3
  6. f – u – fu – fu1 fu2 fu3 fu4 fu5 – fu5
  7. n – in – nin – nin1 nin2 nin3 nin4 – nin4
  8. c – eon – ceon – ceon1 – ceon1
  9. m – ong – mong – mong1 mong2 mong3 mong4 mong5 – mong5
  10. g – am – gam – gam1 – gam1
  11. s – oeng – soeng – soeng1 soeng2 – soeng2
  12. p – aau – paau – paau1 paau2 paau3 – paau3
  13. g – on – gon – gon1 gon2 – gon2
  14. l – em – lem – lem1 lem2 – lem2
  15. h – aai – haai – haai1 haai2 haai3 haai4 haai5 – haai5
  16. t – ing – ting – ting1 – ting1
  17. ng – ai – ngai – ngai1 ngai2 ngai3 ngai4 – ngai4
  18. d – im – dim – dim1 dim2 – dim2
  19. l – a – la – la1 la2 la3 – la3

Question 7

Say the words below.

  1. 餐廳 caan1 teng1  restaurant
  2. 教堂 gaau3 tong2  church
  3. 沙灘 saa1 taan1  beach
  4. 藍莓 laam4 mui2  blueberry
  5. 西芹 sai1 kan2  celery
  6. 蕃茄 faan1 ke2  tomato
  7. 橄欖 gaam3 laam2  olive
  8. 花生 faa1 sang1  peanut

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