Pronunciation Lesson 4
In this lesson, you will learn the following new sounds:
- Initials: l, h
- Finals: oe, yu
aam, am, em, im
aan, an, in, on, un, eon, yun
aang, ang, eng, ing, ong, ung, oeng - Tones: Tone 5 (low rising)
Section List
1. Tone 5 (Low Rising)
2. Tone 1 to Tone 5
3. The Initial l
4. The Initial h
5. The Final oe
6. The Final yu
7. Combining a Vowel with an Ending Consonant
8. The Finals Ending with -m
9. The Finals Ending with -n
10. The Finals Ending with -ng
11. Revision Section A
12. Revision Section B
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