13. Revision Section B

Instructions for Questions 1 to 5

Follow the steps below to complete each question.

Step 1: Say the sound, syllable or word aloud yourself.
Step 2: Listen to the recording and compare your pronunciation to the recording.
Step 3: Follow the recording and say the sound, syllable or word again.

Question 1

Say the initials below. Click the initials to hear the sounds. Click + to go to the page of each initial.

UnaspiratedAspirated 💨
b +p +m +f +
d +t +n +
g +k +ng +
z +c +s +

Question 2

Say the finals below. Click the finals to hear the sounds. Click + to go to the page of each final.

aa +a +e +i +o +u +eo +
-iaai +ai +ei +oi +ui +eoi +
-uaau +au +eu +iu +ou +

Question 3

Say the syllable si with the tones below. Click the tones to hear the sounds. Click + to go to the page of each tone.

Tone NumberTone 1 +Tone 2 +Tone 3 +Tone 4 +
Tone NameHigh levelMid risingMid levelLow falling

Question 4

Say the syllables below.

  1. ngau4
  2. seoi2
  3. ziu1
  4. gaai3
  5. meu1
  6. pei4
  7. baa4
  8. ni1
  9. fu4
  10. za3
  11. de1
  12. so4
  13. caau2
  14. pui4
  15. mou2
  16. tai4
  17. koi3

If you find this question challenging, practice with the additional recording below.

  1. ng ‒ au ‒ ngau ‒ ngau1 ngau2 ngau3 ngau4 ‒ ngau4
  2. s ‒ eoi ‒ seoi ‒ seoi1 seoi2 ‒ seoi2
  3. z ‒ iu ‒ ziu ‒ ziu1 ‒ ziu1
  4. g ‒ aai ‒ gaai ‒ gaai1 gaai2 gaai3 ‒ gaai3
  5. m ‒ eu ‒ meu ‒ meu1 ‒ meu1
  6. p ‒ ei ‒ pei ‒ pei1 pei2 pei3 pei4 ‒ pei4
  7. b ‒ aa ‒ baa ‒ baa1 baa2 baa3 baa4 ‒ baa4
  8. n ‒ i ‒ ni ‒ ni1 ‒ ni1
  9. f ‒ u ‒ fu ‒ fu1 fu2 fu3 fu4 ‒ fu4
  10. z ‒ a ‒ za ‒ za1 za2 za3 ‒ za3
  11. d ‒ e ‒ de ‒ de1 ‒ de1
  12. s ‒ o ‒ so ‒ so1 so2 so3 so4 ‒ so4
  13. c ‒ aau ‒ caau ‒ caau1 caau2 ‒ caau2
  14. p ‒ ui ‒ pui ‒ pui1 pui2 pui3 pui4 ‒ pui4
  15. m ‒ ou ‒ mou ‒ mou1 mou2 ‒ mou2
  16. t ‒ ai ‒ tai ‒ tai1 tai2 tai3 tai4 ‒ tai4
  17. k ‒ oi ‒ koi ‒ koi1 koi2 koi3 ‒ koi3

Question 5

Say the words below.

  1.  手 sau2  hand
  2.  頭 tau4  head
  3.  帽 mou2  hat
  4.  刀 dou1  knife
  5.  餃子 gaau2 zi2  dumpling
  6.  牛扒 ngau4 paa2  steak
  7.  泡菜 paau3 coi3  kimchi
  8.  報紙 bou3 zi2  newspaper

Question 6

Listen to the following song. Complete the syllables below with the finals ending with the vowel u. Note that each ◯ below represents one syllable.

掉進海的眼淚 deu6 zeon3 hoi2 dik1 ngaan5 leoi6
程人富 cing4 jan4 fu3

💡 Tips: Click the blanks to see the answers.

0:14◯ 無 m ____ 4 ◯◯◯◯◯◯
0:19◯◯◯◯◯ 口 h ____ 2
0:23◯◯◯◯ ◯◯ ◯◯◯
0:30◯ ◯ 潮 c ____ 4 ◯◯◯ 走 z ____ 2
0:39◯◯◯◯◯◯ 了 l ____ 5
0:45h ____ 2 ◯◯◯◯ 找 z ____ 2 ◯◯◯◯◯
0:52◯◯ ◯◯◯◯◯◯ ◯◯◯◯◯
1:00◯◯◯◯◯ ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
1:08◯◯◯◯◯ 搜 s ____ 2 ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
1:17d ____ 6 ◯◯◯◯◯ ◯◯◯◯◯◯
1:27◯◯◯◯ ◯◯◯◯◯

The version above is a playful cover of the song. Listen to the original version of the song. Notice the word 掉 deu6 is pronounced as diu6 in the original version (1:18). The pronunciation diu6 is usually used in singing, whereas the pronunciation deu6 is more often heard in conversations only, which creates a special effect when deu6 is sung in the cover above.

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