17. How to Complete the Revision Sections
- Each pronunciation lesson ends with two revision sections. Complete each revision section at the suggested time below.

💡 Tips
Don’t complete both revision sections at once. Take a break between two revision sections. It can help you remember the content better.
- In some questions, you will be asked to recall something. Try to recall it yourself first. Don’t look for answers from the book right away.
In some other questions, you will be asked to say some syllables or words aloud and then compare your pronunciation to the recording. Make sure that you recall and say the syllables or words yourself before listening to the recording. Pause the recording to get enough time to recall if needed.
💡 Tips
Recalling the content actively can help you remember the content better.
- The answers to some questions are shown in their subsequent questions. Cover the subsequent questions to avoid seeing the answers accidentally.